This study, contracted to Kula Vyema Centre by IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute), serve as a baseline for the One CGIAR initiative “Nature-positive solutions for shifting agrifood systems to more resilient and sustainable pathways” to estimate the impacts of NPS on human, social, health, and ecological/environmental dimensions and the implications for marginalized groups, especially women and youth. The study followed a pipeline evaluation whereby households were selected for interview both in treatment sites (those that will later be exposed to NPS innovations) and control sites. The study targeted households that mainly engage in crop production as their main farming activity in Kajiado, Kisumu and Vihiga Counties in Kenya for interview. A total of 1,500 households and 1,000 agricultural workers were interviewed in the survey. KVC worked with IFPRI to obtain local ethical approval, finalize the questionnaires including programming for CAPI, translating to Kiswahili, sampling, data collection and data management.