Anthony Ndirangu is a Research Assistant at Kula Vyema Centre of Food Economics. Anthony has over 6 years’ experience of data collection. Supervision, Coordination and field report writing. He is skilled in understanding data analysis to effectively interpret findings in a way that makes sense to end-users. He has vast knowledge of data collection using CS PRO, Survey CTO and ODK. He is able to carry out various kinds of research, integrate the crucial aspects of data to provide satisfactory findings. Also, he has the technical know-how in planning, organization, collecting and analyzing data findings, and prioritizing research opportunities. He has undertaken an online course in “ Beginner to Project Manager” at UDEMY.

Anthony has worked with several organization such as Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and Alliance Bioversity International (CIAT) as an enumerator in various projects. Prior to joining as a Research Assistant, he had worked with KVC as an enumerator, and supervisor for over 5 years.